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Descriptive of Think, Pair and Share

The think, pair, share strategy is a cooperative learning technique that encourages individual participation and is applicable across all grade levels and class sizes. Students think through questions using three distinct steps:

  1. Think : Students think independently about the question that has been posed, forming ideas of their own.
  2. Pair : Students are grouped in pairs to discuss their thoughts. This step allows students to articulate their ideas and to consider those of others.
  3. Share : Student pairs share their ideas with a larger group, such as the whole class. Often, students are more comfortable presenting ideas to a group with the support of a partner. In addition, students' ideas have become more refined through this three-step process.
Title : Descriptive of Think, Pair and Share
Description : The think, pair, share strategy is a cooperative learning technique that encourages individual participation and is applicable across all g...

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