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Teaching Reading by Using Think Pair and Share

The teaching reading by using think pair and share in this treatment is as follow: the teacher asked some questions related with the material of the discussion as the effort to brainstorming the students. The teacher gives a chance for the students to think the answer of the question. 

In stage of pairing, the students ask the students to make a pair. The students discuss the answer with their pairmate. This discussion is hoped to improve the meaning of the answer that have been though by the intersubject of the students before.

The result of the intersubject discussion in every pair is discussed in whole class, this stages is called sharing. In this stage, the students hoped to ask the question to other pair. Therefore, this stage able to improve the integrated instructional knowledge of the students. The students found the structural knowledge that has been learned by the students.
Title : Teaching Reading by Using Think Pair and Share
Description : The teaching reading by using think pair and share in this treatment is as follow: the teacher asked some questions related with the mate...

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