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Speaking and Speaking Ability


Speaking is about how to produce the oral text which has meaning by the speakers-hearers. At the process of producing oral text, there are several elements which built up the construction of speak such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and accuracy. The use of component above depending ob the context environment and background in which the person get involved in a communication.

Richard and Renandyan (2002:4) stated that speaking language is especially difficult for foreign language learning because to use the language appropriately in social interaction involved not only verbal communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech. Therefore, the students feel that the speaking is a difficult skill of language learning. So, the teacher should create on interesting environment in the classroom in order to obtain the goal of language learning.

it can be concluded that speaking in this research refers to the students’ capacity in learning speaking through drill method.

Speaking Ability 

Speaking ability is important in the process of language learning. We communicate through to gain much more information. Both teacher and students should realize the role of speaking ability for their success in their learning.

Learning to speak a second language is a lengthy process first students must carefully repeat models and imitate the teacher. They may memorize basic sentences to gain confidence in their ability to speak the second language. They may practice sentences and do oral drills. These activities are all preliminary to actual conversation. In a sense, these activities may be termed vocalizing. (Balai Penataran Guru: 2002:46).
Title : Speaking and Speaking Ability
Description : Speaking Speaking is about how to produce the oral text which has meaning by the speakers-hearers. At the process of producing oral t...

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