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Teaching Speaking

Teaching Speaking 

Balai Penataran Guru (2002:48) teaching is aimed at teaching new structures of function. It means that teaching speaking includes the structure of sentences and segmental (pronunciation, intonation, and stress pattern).

The technique of developing students speaking skill are :

a. Presentation

The presentation state is aimed at introducing new language (grammar, function or vocabulary) speaking class often use model of dialogue to present the new language. The student are expected to memorize the dialogue and recite it fluently before practicing the drill and making the grammar generalization, the procedures of presentation are as follows:

- Build up the situational context.

- Elicit the new language from students or tell it them.

- Focus students’ attention on marker sentence.

- Check the students understanding of the concept behind the language.

b. Fluency

Hobby in (Nadhofas’ skripsi 1995:451) defined that fluency is the quality or condition of being fluent, fluency on the other hand is capacity to speak fluidly, confidently and at rate consistent with the norms of relevant native speech community. A communication will stop because the listener is maybe unable to understand the massages from the speaker who has poor fluency.

c. Practice

This stage give student’s opportunity to use newly presented language with the basic pattern for practice. This practice can be stimulated.
Title : Teaching Speaking
Description : Teaching Speaking  Balai Penataran Guru (2002:48) teaching is aimed at teaching new structures of function. It means that teaching spea...

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