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Designing and Constructing Instruments for Social Research and Evaluation by David Colton and Robert W. Convert.pdf

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Composing Qualitative Research by Karen Golden-Biddle & Karen D. Locke.pdf

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An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis.pdf

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Qualitative Data by Carl F. Auerbach & Louise B. Silverstein.pdf

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Analyzing Qualitative Data by Alan Bryman and Robert G. Burgess.pdf

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Encyclopedia of Case Study Research.pdf

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Doing Social Psychology Research.pdf

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Doing Case Study Research by Dowson R. Hancock.pdf

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Case Study Research by Arch G. Woodside.pdf

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Case study Research by John Gerring.pdf

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Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching by Anne Burns.pdf

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Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teacher.pdf

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Action Research in Teaching & Learning by Lin S. Norton.pdf

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Action Research by Ernest T. Stringer.pdf

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Discussion in Teaching English

Discussion Discussion from foreign language is “discusum” which meaning thinking or talking. So discussion is a problem, or to unde...

Teaching Speaking

Teaching Speaking  Balai Penataran Guru (2002:48) teaching is aimed at teaching new structures of function. It means that teaching spea...

Speaking and Speaking Ability

Speaking Speaking is about how to produce the oral text which has meaning by the speakers-hearers. At the process of producing oral t...

Teaching Reading by Using Think Pair and Share

The teaching reading by using think pair and share in this treatment is as follow: the teacher asked some questions related with the mate...

The Strategy of Think, pair, Share

The think, pair, share strategy is ideal for teachers and students who are new to collaborative learning. It can be used in a variety of co...

The Importance of Think, Pair, Share.

Students need many opportunities to talk in a linguistically rich environment. Researchers have found that students' leanung is enhance...

Descriptive of Think, Pair and Share

The think, pair, share strategy is a cooperative learning technique that encourages individual participation and is applicable across all g...

Action Research Principles and Practice by Jean McNiff.pdf

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A Collection of performance task and Rubrics by Deboran Blaz.pdf

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Essential of Children's Literature by Carol Lynch-Brown & Carl M. Tomlinson.pdf

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Storytelling with Children by Andrew Wright.pdf

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Action Research for Improving Practice by Valsa Koshy.pdf

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Language Teaching Methodology a Textbook for Teachers by David Nunan.pdf

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Technique in Teaching Writing by Ann Raimes.pdf

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Picture for Language Learning by Andrew Wright.pdf

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Principles of Language Learning and Teaching by Douglas Brown.pdf

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A Course in Language Teaching by Penny Ur.pdf

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How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer.pdf

Download E-Book How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer.pdf Download Now!!!

Methodology in Language Teaching An Anthology of Current Practice.pdf

Download E-Book Methodology in Language Teaching An Anthology of Current Practice by Jack C. Richards & Willy A. Renandya Dow...

Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices by H. Douglas Brown.pdf

Download E-book Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices by H. Douglas Brown.pdf Download Now!!!

Reading Assessment

A number of applications for assessments can be drawn from the foregoing description of the nature of reading in the first and second la...

Teaching Reading

Nowadays, English is very important to increase knowledge, therefore, many textbooks are written in English. It needs a lot of time and we...

Reading Comprehension Skill

Reading comprehension skills allow readers to move from elementary reading to effective reading it means. Reading comprehension skill al...

The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer.pdf

Download E-book The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer.pdf Download Now!!!

Types of Reading

H. Douglas Brown (2001:189) said in the previous chapters we saw that both listening and speaking could be subdivided into at least five di...

Reflective Teaching & Learning in the Health Profession by David Kember.pdf

Download E-book Reflective Teaching & Learning in the Health Profession by David Kember.pdf (Action Research in Professional Educatio...

Action Research by Eileen Ferrance.pdf

Download E-book Action Research by Eileen Ferrance.pdf Download Now!!!

The Nature of Reading Comprehension

The Nature of Reading Comprehension  Reading comprehension is degree to which we understand what we read. More over reading compreh...

The Kinds of Derivation

The formation of new words through derivation processes may involve large numbers of affixes. Here quirk and his friends suggested the v...